Saturday 10 August 2013

Laura Mercier Body Cream

I think I speak for most of us when I say we all like to treat ourselves occasionally (some more than others, which seems to be my problem!). Well here it is, my ‘splurge’ of the month. This month it comes in the form of Laura Mercier’s Body Cream.

I’ve heard so much about this product, and when I tried a sample in Selfridges recently, I just HAD to buy it. Everything about this product screams luxury, from the packaging, to the scent and most importantly the cream itself.

I love the glass jar that the product comes in, it looks so pretty and really feels like your pampering yourself and giving your skin a treat when using it. The scent I purchased is the Ambre Vanille, and after trying them all, this scent stood out by a mile to me. It smells truly glorious, and really lasts all day on your skin. I can still smell the scent hours after application.

Now down to the best bit, the body cream itself. A little bit really goes a long way with this (which is a plus considering the £45.30 price tag… eeeks). My skin is left fully moisturised, hydrated and best of all silky smooth.

This product is amazing, and I really can’t speak highly enough of it. It does have a much higher price than other body moisturisers on the market, but in my opinion, it’s more than worthy of the price. Laura Mercier also sell body scrubs, body washes and honey bath to compliment this item and I’ll definitely be trying those in the future.

Anyone else tried this product? What are your thoughts?


  1. Laura Mercier is a brand i have only really discovered and started to use this year. I have only branched out into makeup goodies but i would absolutely love to try out some skincare products :D

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. I love Laura Mercier products. They're so worth the money in my opinion. Both the make up and skincare is great :) Thanks for reading :) xx

  2. Ah this sounds sooo amazing! I so need to sniff this next time i'm near a LM counter - I can't believe I don't own any of their products. I would love this for Winter though :D I love your design - the header is so cute and memorable xxx

    1. Ahh Gemma, you definitely need to try this product. I also bought the hand cream last week in the same scent, I can't stop using it!
      Thanks so much for reading, it's lovely to get such positive feedback! :) Your blog is amazing, just checked it out! :) xxx



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