Friday 24 May 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

I've been lucky enough to be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, and want to say a BIG thank you to Michelle for that nomination. Her blog is great, and you should definitely check it out. Luxe Life Aspirations Blog by Michelle

 I'm quite new to blogging, and think these awards are a great way to connect with other bloggers and discover new reading material!

So basically, once you get nominated, these are the next steps:

- Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
- Select new bloggers you follow and enjoy reading. 
- Nominate these bloggers for a Versatile Blogger Award, leave a link to their page and comment on their latest post to let them know they have been nominated. 
- Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. 

And here's my 7 things (which were majorly awkward to think of):

1. I write for my day job, but not about beauty (I wish it was!)
2. I'm sarcastic about 80% of the time.
3. I have a phobia of peas and sellotape. 
4. I can't resist Dominos 'Two for Tuesday' deal. 
5. I love watching TV and have a very strict schedule to stick to :)
6. I can't walk in to a shop without buying something, It's an illness, honestly!
7.  I love cats, all kinds of cats, and especially my two cats. I basically love cats! :)

And here are the lovely bloggers I would like to nominate for this award. Check them out and follow! :)

Charissa - Charissa Rae
Gillian - Purple Gillian
Angelica - One Little Vice
Rachael - Beauty Thoughts
Seraphina - Little Miss Lifestyle
Ellie - Misseblog
Lizzie - Lux Rose
Allie - Tie-Dye-Eyes
Elizabeth - Beauty Supergirl

A big thanks once again to Michelle, and I hope you enjoy reading hers, mine and these other ladies blogs :)


  1. Thanks for taking the time to do this! I'm with you on point number 6 definitely :)

    1. I really enjoyed doing it!
      Haha, i think we're all shopaholics at heart! :) xx

  2. thank you so much! :)
    allie :) x

  3. Thank you so much :) I can't resist dominos any day of the week :P

    Ellie xo design blog | beauty & fashion blog

    1. No worries. :)
      Haha, very true. It's hard to resist, i love them! :) xx



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