Friday 14 June 2013

June Glossybox

The June Glossybox arrived on my desk at work this week, and it never fails to cheer up my day! Nothing like a beauty treat on a dreary rainy day in the office. Here's the lovely items I received this month.

This month’s box revolves around the theme ‘Summer Looks’, which will be quite apt when the sun finally decides to show an appearance. Fingers crossed for a warm summer to set in soon eh?

NUXE Huile Prodigieuse OR

I love NUXE products, but have never tried their oils before, so I’m definitely excited to give this a go. It’s a multi purpose dry oil which you can use to either hydrate your face, illuminate the body or strengthen your hair.

Figs and Rouge Lip Balm in Cherry Blossom

I’ve wanted to try one of these lip balms for aaages! So I was happy to see it in this months box. It smells lovely, and feels super moisturising on the lips. And best of all, it’s 100% natural! It can be used on other areas to moisturise, a bit like Elizabeth Arden's 8 hour Cream, but I think I’ll use this just on my lips.

Monu Professional Skincare Hydrating Moisturiser

I’ve tried a couple of products from Monu before including a moisturising facial tanner which I enjoyed using. This product is a moisturiser with an anti ageing element thrown in. It includes an SPF which is essential for a moisturiser in the summer months, especially if you tend not to wear foundation when it’s warmer. It also offers to blur imperfections and correct skin tone. Sounds perfect, looking forward to trying this one.

Helen E Cosmetics Shimmer Eye Powder

I’ll be honest, I’m not a massive fan of loose eye shadows, I prefer pressed or cream based shadows. But, the colour and shimmer finish of this is lovely, so I’ll definitely be giving it a go.

MeMeMe Cosmetics Long Lasting Nail Gloss

I love nail varnishes, and you’d only need to take one look at my twitter feed or blog posts to guess that! So as you can imagine, I’m always happy to see a nail varnish in my Glossybox. I got the colour Wild which is a lovely deep purple colour. There may be a little shimmer to it, but I can’t confirm as not tried it out yet.

Green and Blacks Organic Dark Chocolate

And becoming more and more frequent is a Glossy extra. I love getting something a little extra on top of the normal 5 items, always makes the box feel a little more special to me! So thanks Glossybox for the chocolatey treat! :)

So that’s all for my Glossybox this month, looking forward to trying all these products out soon.

Anyone already use any of these items? What did you get in your beauty box this month?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I've tagged you in The Liebster Award -

    Emma xxx



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