Wednesday 12 March 2014

L'Oreal Elnett Volume Excess Hairspray

Recently I've been trying a lot of hair products, mainly ones which will put a bit of life in to my incredibly fine hair. When Glamour sent me Loreal's Elnett Satin Hairspray in Volume Excess*, I couldn't wait to try it. 

I've always been a fan of the L'Oreal Elnett hairsprays, as i think they have one of the best holds of all the brands, but this one also promises volume which is an added bonus! I've been using this pretty much every day and I can honestly say the hold is fantastic. Curls tend to fall out of my hair pretty quick, and I normally have to use a lot of products to keep them in, however this alone held my curls all night and in to the next day. I actually got compliments from my friends to how good my curls still looked at the end of our girls night out!

What I liked most about the product is it doesn't feel too heavy in your hair, and certainly not sticky as some hairsprays do. The product also features a backcombed volume effect, which I loved as I think giving lift as well as hold with a hairspray is fab. You can buy this product from Boots for £6.60, which again seems quite reasonable for such a great product. 

Has anyone else tried this release in to the L'Oreal Elnett range? What's your thoughts?


  1. I've never tried this before but I've heard great things! May have to give it a try!

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

    1. I can really recommend, the holds fab! :) xx



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